Allows you to track tasks that needs to be done and adds it to a list.
Reminds you of your upcoming deadlines and adds it to a list with the deadline date and time.
Remind you of your upcoming events and adds it to a list with the date and time of the event.
Allows you to tick off todo/event/deadline tasks that have been completed.
Allows you to delete finished tasks or wrong tasks that was inputted.
Allows you to delete multiple finished tasks or wrong tasks that was inputted at one go.
Prints out matching words that you have inputted from the list.
Prints out the entire list as of then.
Closes the application.
Command | Example | Description |
todo <task> |
todo eat | Adds a new to do task. |
event <description> /at <dd/MM/yyyy> <hhmm> |
event meeting /at 20/06/2021 1700 | Add a new meeting event. |
deadline <description> /by <dd/MM/yyyy> <hhmm> |
deadline homework /by 30/05/2023 2359 | Add a new homework deadline. |
done <taskNumber> |
done 1 | Ticks off the first todo/event/deadline task. |
delete <taskNumber> |
delete 2 | Deletes the second task off the list |
deleteAll <taskNumbers> |
delete 1 3 5 6 | Deletes the first, third, fifth and sixth task off the list |
find <keyword> |
find homework | Find the tasks with “homework” and prints out them out in a list. |
list |
list | Prints out everything in your list at that current point of time. |
<command> * |
todo eat * | Prioritises this task and enters the task at the top of the list. |
todo eat
Expected Outcome:
event birthday party /at John's place
Expected Outcome:
deadline duke /by monday
Expected Outcome:
done 1
Expected Outcome:
delete 2
Expected Outcome:
deleteAll 1 2
Expected Outcome:
find homework
Expected Outcome:
Expected Outcome:
todo sleep *
Expected Outcome: