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User Guide

Your Personal Planner!

Features of Currents

Todo: todo

Allows you to track tasks that needs to be done and adds it to a list.

Deadline: deadline

Reminds you of your upcoming deadlines and adds it to a list with the deadline date and time.

Event: event

Remind you of your upcoming events and adds it to a list with the date and time of the event.

Done: done

Allows you to tick off todo/event/deadline tasks that have been completed.

Delete: delete

Allows you to delete finished tasks or wrong tasks that was inputted.

Delete: deleteAll

Allows you to delete multiple finished tasks or wrong tasks that was inputted at one go.

Find: find

Prints out matching words that you have inputted from the list.

List: list

Prints out the entire list as of then.

Bye: bye

Closes the application.

Usage of Currents

Command Example Description
todo <task> todo eat Adds a new to do task.
event <description> /at <dd/MM/yyyy> <hhmm> event meeting /at 20/06/2021 1700 Add a new meeting event.
deadline <description> /by <dd/MM/yyyy> <hhmm> deadline homework /by 30/05/2023 2359 Add a new homework deadline.
done <taskNumber> done 1 Ticks off the first todo/event/deadline task.
delete <taskNumber> delete 2 Deletes the second task off the list
deleteAll <taskNumbers> delete 1 3 5 6 Deletes the first, third, fifth and sixth task off the list
find <keyword> find homework Find the tasks with “homework” and prints out them out in a list.
list list Prints out everything in your list at that current point of time.
<command> * todo eat * Prioritises this task and enters the task at the top of the list.

Todo: todo eat

Expected Outcome:

Todo picture

Event: event birthday party /at John's place

Expected Outcome:

Event picture

Deadline: deadline duke /by monday

Expected Outcome:

deadline picture

Done: done 1

Expected Outcome:

done picture

Delete: delete 2

Expected Outcome:

delete picture

DeleteAll: deleteAll 1 2

Expected Outcome:

deleteAll picture

Find: find homework

Expected Outcome:

find picture

List: list

Expected Outcome:

list picture

command *: todo sleep *

Expected Outcome:

list picture